Food Service
Staff Members
Food Service
Food Service letter - distance learning See how to get food service from the school during distance learning
Please remember - if your financial circumstances have changed, you may be eligible for free or reduced meals. Please complete the application and email to Tracy Barker. Visit MySchoolBucks to put money on your child's lunch account.
Download the application for the National School Lunch program here.
Download the instructions for completing the application here.
The Hopkinton School District food service program does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, familial status, disability, limited English proficiency, or because all or a part of an individual's income is derived from a public assistance program. If you feel that you have been subjected to discrimination, you may file a complaint with the USDA. Please click the link below for instructions on how to file a complaint.
How to File a Program Discrimination Complaint How to File a Program Discrimination Complaint (Spanish version)