Special Education
Special Education
The elementary schools provide services for students with special learning needs. The speech and language program offers a continuum of services to children whose oral communication difficulties are impacting their academic progress. These services are based on the results of speech and language testing and team consultation with the child’s teacher and parents. We provide services for students with learning disabilities as well. Support is available in the form of direct intervention, consultation with teachers and parents, and monitoring of performance in the classroom.
Occupational Therapy is a related service that is provided for students after there has been a determination of an educational need. The occupational therapist utilizes movement and various manipulative and play activities to facilitate developmental skills that serve as foundations for classroom learning.
Preschool Special Education provides services to children three to five years old, who have been referred to the Hopkinton Preschool Team. Referrals for services may be made by the parent/guardian or teachers by contacting Special Services, SAU #66, 746-5273. The Preschool Team meets to consider the referral. If the team decides that more information is needed, an evaluation is completed. If the evaluation demonstrates that the child needs special education services, an appropriate program is developed to meet the child’s needs.