Parent Square
Parent Square is the district school-to-home communication platform used to send the Nest newsletter, notifications about snow days or emergency events, notify families of bus changes or delays, and send and receive school and class notifications.
Once your child is registered for school, you will be sent an email to register for Parent Square. Please contact the HMS office at 603 746-3473 or email jeaton@sau66.org if you do not receive an email invitation.
Follow us on the Hopkinton School District Facebook page, where we post school activities and celebrate student learning.
Attend monthly PTA meetings on the first Thursday of the month 5:30 pm at Harold Martin School. More information can be found at Hopkintonpta.org.
HMS Contact Information:
Principal: Patrice Brown - pbrown@sau66.org
School Counselor: Jackie Kleiner - jkleiner@sau66.org
School Nurse: Jean Picard - jpicard@sau66.org
Office Manager: Jean Eaton - jeaton@sau66.org
To contact your child’s teacher through email, use the first initial of their first name and the last name @sau66.org e.g. for Patrice Brown pbrown@sau66.org
Main office phone number: 603 746-3473